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So 2012 is 1/12th Over… How are Your New Year’s Resolutions Doing?


Posted January 31, 2012 in Blog

How are your new year’s resolutions going so far? Here we are at the end of the first month of 2012 – statistics show that as much as 64% of people making new year’s resolutions are still keeping them. What are most of the resolutions about? The majority deal with improving health – to lose weight, to improve appearance, work out more, etc.

While we can’t help you out at the gym we can help with your appearance for the rest of this year and beyond. Please contact us to discuss your goals and how we can help you meet them.

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We are committed to helping you attain your cosmetic goals and are happy to work with you to find a payment method or plan that fits your situation. We offer financing through CareCredit, which provides flexible repayment options.

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North Dallas Office

8305 Walnut Hill Ln #210
Dallas, TX 75231

Phone: (214) 363-2575

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Allen, Tx Office

317 N. Central Expressway Suite 100
Allen, Texas 75013

Phone: (214) 509-0270

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